In 2020, 45,222 people, an average of 124 every day, lost their lives to gun violence. The overall gun death rate increased by 15% from 2019 reaching the highest level ever recorded. This increase was driven by a dramatic rise in gun homicide – nearly 5,000 more gun homicides than in 2019 – and a persistently high number of gun suicides.
The gun death rate has risen markedly over the past two decades increasing by 32% from 2001 to 2020. This increase was driven by a gradual and persistent rise in the gun suicide rate paired with a large increase in the gun homicide rate starting in 2015, and an unprecedented gun homicide spike in 2020. Since 2001, the deadliest five years on record have been the most recent five years, with historically high gun suicide rates and dramatic rises in gun homicide rates.
After years of remaining relatively flat, the firearm homicide rate jumped in 2015 and again in 2016, increasing by 31% in two years. The gun homicide rate then leveled off and decreased slightly before surging by 35% in 2020. The gun homicide rate increased 75% from a low in 2014 to a high in 2020.
The firearm suicide rate has been consistently and steadily increasing, with only a few exceptions. The gun suicide rate increased 25% from a low in 2006 to a near-record high in 2020.
Age-adjusted rate per 100,000
Gun Deaths by Intent
Homicide by Method
Gun Deaths by Intent
Suicide by Method
Last updated January 2022