Washington, DC (September 9, 2019) — As National Suicide Prevention Week begins, the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence is pleased to announce the launch of our new Prevent Firearm Suicide website.
Describing each of the four levels involved in firearm suicide prevention — individual, relationship, community, and societal — Prevent Firearm Suicide explores a multilevel approach for suicide prevention and addresses how reducing access to firearms can save lives. The website provides a comprehensive prevention strategy for a variety of individuals.
In addition to describing these four levels in detail, Prevent Firearm Suicide provides general facts, statistics, frequently asked questions about firearm suicide, a map detailing state-specific firearm suicide facts, and a resources tab for those seeking more information.
Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence Suicide Prevention Specialist Dakota Jablon issued the following statement:
“Prevent Firearm Suicide addresses a critical — and little-discussed — topic. Firearms are used in half of all suicides and make up three of every five gun deaths. The firearm suicide rate has steadily increased over the last decade, and research consistently shows that access to firearms increases the risk of suicide. Putting time and space between someone who may attempt suicide and firearms makes it more likely that they will survive a suicide attempt. Prevent Firearm Suicide provides a variety of ways and resources to do just that.”
American Association of Suicidology Executive Director Colleen Creighton issued the following statement:
“We can’t talk about preventing firearm violence without talking about suicide and we can’t talk about suicide prevention without talking about firearms. Research has shown time and again there are very effective measures we can take to prevent firearm deaths at both small and large scales. We’re very excited to see this resource from the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence at such a critical time in our country’s history and will continue to support their efforts to prevent firearm suicides.”