WASHINGTON — Even as states begin to reopen, the looming health and economic consequences of mass isolation are drawing concern from experts in the suicide prevention space. The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, a public health think tank that identifies and implements evidence-based policy solutions and programs to reduce gun violence, has outlined steps individuals, businesses and governments can take to reduce risk.
Dakota Jablon, Suicide Prevention Specialist at the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, released the below statement raising awareness about the increased risk of firearm suicide deaths. The Educational Fund is urging people and communities to focus on preventing suicide, a public health crisis too often overlooked.
“Today’s news of continued significant unemployment and devastating job loss increases the risk of gun suicide. History has shown us that economic uncertainty and the elevated stress that comes with it can lead to a rise in suicides. The reports of increased gun sales in America only increases the danger.
“We urge elected officials at every level and individuals at home with their families to recognize that gun suicide is an epidemic we must address. People must take proper steps to prevent firearm suicide during this time.
“Reducing access to lethal means, including firearms, and practicing safe storage of firearms, can mean the difference between life and death.”
Jablon is available to speak further about this issue as well as the Educational Fund’s Prevent Firearm Suicide project, which works to share firearm suicide interventions, resources, and data, including national and state firearm statistics.
The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence is a 501(c)(3) organization and public health think tank that identifies and implements evidence-based policy solutions and programs to reduce gun violence in all its forms. More information is available at efsgv.org